My mini post on "Gay & Under Attack" from "Reggie Yates' Extreme Russia"

Couldn't think of a better title - short and to the point.
Those of you who've read my blog before, you may have noticed/read a similarly-themed post a while back. Those of you who are connected with me via Facebook, you might have seen a link I shared last week.

Reggie Yates' Extreme Russia
In a sheer desperate attempt to distract myself from an essay I have due in scarily soon, I watched the second episode of a BBC series presented by Reggie Yates called "Reggie Yates' Extreme Russia". The first episode, on the subject of Russian nationalism, aired last week and if I'm honest I was shocked enough into watching this week's by the first ten minutes of that one alone. There were so many worrying parts, including this one.
The title of the second part is "Gay & Under Attack" and you can access it by clicking here.
In the episode, not only are the Russian LGBT community rejected with poor excuses by venue-owners for their annual Queerfest and hounded by homophobes but they suspect their offices have been bugged, i.e. filled with secret tiny cameras by people who don't agree with their beliefs in order to spy on them and ruin their powerful get-togethers/activism for their rights. They also can't display any type of affection towards their partners in public so as to abide by the Russian LGBT propaganda law. That means no holding hands, no kissing, nada.
Watching this first made me very happy to be in the UK, but it's way more than that. The people who have the power to grant gay-marriage to all in the UK don't need monetary rewards, or giant pats on the back. They are simply being humane and accepting that anyone has the right to have a relationship with an individual of any gender. It is extremely sad that this isn't the case across the world. However, this doesn't mean we shouldn't fight until LGBT rights are equal to all heterosexual people's rights everywhere.
The histories of the UK and Russia are without a doubt very different from each other, and in the episode I linked you to above, Reggie identifies the fear within certain homophobic people's attitudes and the possible reasons behind it. He reckons that tradition is incredibly to important to these people, and the fact that only heterosexual relationships were prominent traditionally causes them to worry that the increase of LGBT relationships in Russia will destroy tradition and what Russia is as a country.
When put like this, it is more understandable as to why some Russian people are so passionate about being anti-gay. That is not to say that I agree with it AT ALL. This issue shouldn't be a matter of tradition, or politics, or law - it should be a matter of having a heart, considering others and how they feel when they walk out of their house everyday into a society where they're constantly watched and fear for their lives just because of the gender of the people or person they're in love with.

This is all heavy stuff, and I really need to go and make some tea and write other things that contribute towards my degree. But some day this has to be sorted for the sake of decent humans everywhere. All I know is I want to get to the point where everyone reacts to relationships between all genders like this:

Or at least smiles.


Rhiannon x

Images: via via via
