Morgan Freeman and Cake

Time has passed and work has increased but I haven't abandoned my writing, oh nay, ma'am/sire. In order to zap you up to date in the most bedazzling way I'm going to type a little bit and then insert some ace gifs and all will be rad with the world (i.e. I will get back to blogging business in this next week).

It's the 9th of February and you'll be glad to hear (if you've been reading my which case why thank you for returning and if not, please delve into the archives ravine) that I'm still going to the gym. I know. Around 3 times a week I'd say. I KNOW. Now all I need to work on in terms of scheduling is actually doing my work, which is proving harder than anticipated.
I spent today, or yesterday seeing as I'm typing this at a crazy hour, waking up late and eating and exercising and eating delicious cake and writing in French. Things I should have done today include:

  • Completing the French writing piece I self-promised I'd finish by the end of this week-end
  • Washing up. I am so sorry Mr/Mrs Cleaner-visiting-tomorrow-morning
  • Eating more vegetables. 0 of my 5 a day. disgraceful
  • Revising. Revising ANYTHING. JUST ANYTHING. I've discovered over time that thinking about stuff momentarily isn't really the same thing
  • Emailing I saw an advertisement for 'New Bloggers Wanted' and it sounds like something that Rapunzel would dream if she concentrated so hard that the best dream she could possibly fathom squeezed into her mind. Basically it sounds aay-maayzing

Things I will do tomorrow include:
  • Completing said French writing piece. Determined is an understatement
  • Uploading said French writing piece. Not submitting this work would be the mouldy icing on top of a weird out-of-date cake
  • Reading all my week 14 readings in the library with uber dedication and a perfected reading-face. This needs doing seeing as it is now week 15 (heeeeelllp)
  • Filling in my notes for week 13 as the lecturer was like the Lightning McQueen of speech. How this has not been done yet I do not know. No one knows. Not even Morgan Freeman
  • Phonetics practice. I apparently need to remember lots of sounds and symbols so I hope everyone on the top floor of the library enjoys me mouthing and pronouncing weird consonants and vowels for a good hour
  • Presenting on the radio. Heyheeeeeey. It's something I really love doing and you can tune in at - just click Listen In! No seriously, do it

Things I will do right at this moment include:
  • Going to bed.
A human needs one's beauty sleep.

Rhiannon x

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