Rhiangle ON TOUR - Day 2

Day 2 - 1/8/14

Croissant mornings are good mornings. Especially in August, and usually I'd be in France with tropical sunshine and lingering mosquitoes. Instead, I'm still in England and IT'S RAINING. To be honest, I couldn't say I'm surprised at all. Good old English grey clouds and persistent drizzle. At least they're not trying to bite me.

Just having lunch in a lovely little place called Buxton. It's where all that famous premium H2O bottled water-stuff comes from. We've eventually been able to tuck into our smoked salmon (mmm) sandwiches after being brought the wrong order and now I feel really bad as the waitresses are obviously stressed and I just want to magic up a flask of green tea and help them to relax as we really don't mind. BREATHE, Madame Waitress No.1 & 2.

Madame Waitress 2 felt so bad she brought us a free drink re-fill. My mind is slowly being re-filled with memories of starting work in a job like this and getting absolutely everything possible to get wrong wrong. Strong rush of empathy right now.

Do people call Apple Juice AJ? Is OJ the only accepted one? What about PJ and CJ and TJ?!?!

After saying "thank you" and "no it's absolutely fine don't worry" around 36146268.94 times, we have left the café and escaped to the adorable craft shops selling really nice scarves with foxes on and other really cool things like that. I want to buy the whole collection of greetings cards here but unfortunately am not rich, so cannot afford their extortionate prices and will probably re-make all of these designs myself to give to people and pass them off as my own (hahahahaha, take that consumerism!). This one I rather liked, although I wasn't sure when at all it would be appropriate...

Maybe when they're slightly inebriated by Guinness cake.

I christen this "The Steepest Park in England".

These pictures do not do it justice. 

Seriously. If anyone can find me a steeper park, let me know. But under any circumstance whatsoever do not make me go there. Just take a picture. Or tell me with your words. I don't normally like to use the word 'hate' but I will go right ahead if it's in the same sentence as 'hills'.

Headed to the supermarket and I'm now in the queue at the end part, slightly scarred. We went mainly to search for pudding and, after succeeding to find the correct aisle, I noticed this really cool 2-section thing. Raspberry jelly in one side and jelly tots in the other. Yes, I know - genius Waitrose. But THEN a bespectacled woman in a wine-red shirt comes along and takes all of the jelly-jelly-tot delights with one sweep of her massive hungry arm. Like a wolf. I went for a chocolate yoghurt instead which is probably so much better anyway but I was just so shocked at her strong unforgiving desire to have all five desserts in her trolleycopter. "Do not fret Wesley and Gretel, for Mummy will return with plenty of jelly and tots for both of you, now stir the caviar"

I am now chilled on the comfy new chair in the study, which is opposite the room I'm staying in until Sunday morning. It was just revealed for Grandad Rhiangle's birthday present, like in 60 Minute Makeover but without all the equally boring and trippy music.  IKEA did good. I bet it's called Slevlik, or Rejjik or some other suitable Swedish sounding name for a furniture collection.

Zooey (perfect hair-swish) and JGL - the highlight of IKEA's life so far
Tonight I think it'll be Netflix - I'm watching Peep Show, Adventure Time and The Tudors simultaneously and often I can't choose. I'll toss a coin. Oh crap, yeah, I forgot they don't make three-sided coins. Well Peep Show will be heads, Adventure Time tails, and The Tudors if I fail to catch it and it lands on the floor. I'm basically Bear Grylls.

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